Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bella Wuller is the name, photography is the game

I'm a teen who loves photography, crime shows, and snow cones. I am extremely clumsy, and I can never seem to stay still. I have a passion for soccer and dance. The camera I use is not even mine and my models are my friends. 

I'm Bella Wuller and this is my photography blog.

My passion for photography started about 3 years ago. I was fooling around with my dad's camera taking pictures of my build-a-bear. Not knowing what to do, I took about 100 too many photos. Those awful photos created a spark in me: a love for photography. About a year later I took my first decent photo and I knew this wasn't just a past time. It was time for me to get serious. I took a couple classes with some amazing photographers and learned how to correctly use my camera. Every chance I got, I took photos.  

Now photography helps me develop my creative side. When I look behind the lens I see a world with no stress, no anger, no sadness. I see beauty. My goal as a photographer is to show people that beauty.

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